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#147 => Basketball Sports reporter sur Poitiers (1 poste) .
Employeur : InPlay Sports Data | 29/10/2016

Mission :

INPLAY SPORTS DATA are now looking for #BASKETBALL REPORTERS in #FRANCE, #LeMans, #Limoges, #Cholet, #Blois, #Evreux, #Poitiers, #Rouen, #SaintQuentin, #Vichy, #Clermont! If you are keen on BASKETBALL and interested in a great freelance job, you can apply now by clicking the link below or visit our website:

Profil :

Requirements: Ability to travel to football venues (100 km from base city). Clear and understandable spoken English. Solid knowledge of soccer rules. Responsible, reliable, and punctual. Possession of two fully functional mobile phones. Basic computer skills (access to emails, Skype, online payment accounts)

Niveau(x) d'études :

Période :


Rénumération :

Postuler :

Par email :
Par téléphone : +359876 615 865
Contact : Service recrutement